9 Results for: women

The Helpline in Pakistan Protecting Women From Online Abuse and Harassment

The Digital Rights Foundation has established the first free helpline in Pakistan for women who experience online harassment.


Safecity: an App to Help Women Be Safer Worldwide

Safecity, an India-based initiative that enables women to talk and share experiences of sexual harrassment, has just launched an app in English, Hindi and Spanish.

Tech Needs Girls: Ghana’s Young Women Are Learning To Code

A young Ghanaian entrepreneur has set out to teach the country’s girls to code, encourage them to pursue careers in technology, and use the power of learning and tech savvy to allow them to recognise their full potential.


Mobile Sexual Health Education for Young Women in South Africa

Online platform Choma has set itself the goal of using interactive means to tackle a rather hefty topic: prevention of HIV transmission in South Africa. Via their PC or laptop, young women can get informed about HIV and how to protect themselves against it.


Judith Owigar: Inspiring African Women in Tech

Judith Owigar has gone from strength to strength in Africa's tech scene despite only 15 percent of women currently occupying that space. She is the owner of the tech startup Juakali, and President of AkiraChix – an organisation centred around building, supporting, and inspiring African women in technology.

Video: Violence Against Women Hackathon, Nepal

Earlier this year, a group of young people converged in Kathmandu, Nepal to try and develop tech-based solutions to violence against women, demonstrating along the way, a number of ways technology can be used to respond to key humanitarian issues. 

One Billion Rising looking to bring an end to violence against women

This Thursday marks the 15th anniversary of the start of V Day, a global movement to stop violence against women. This year, activists are looking to simultaneously mobilise groups of people in cities across the globe on V Day as part of the One Billion Rising initiative.

Empowering India’s Women Farmers

Diverse Women for Diversity is an international movement of women from around the globe using the philosophy of Ecofeminism to fight various issues to do with the genetic modification of food crops and other issues related to the plight of women in relation to food production.

Women’s hotline begins operation in Delhi

A new 24 hour hotline for women began operation on Monday in Delhi. The hotline, one of Delhi Chief Minister Shelia Dikshit’s responses to the horrific gang rape of a 23 year old student on a bus, allows women experiencing violence or harassment to call for help.