9 Results for: sustainable digitalisation


The Key to Sustainable Digitalisation? Data Centres Powered With Green Energy

A new study takes a look at the power consumption and CO2 emissions caused by the very backbone of the internet - data centres - and offers ideas on what we can do to ensure that this cornerstone of our digital lives is greener and kinder to the planet.

Torge Peters

Digitalisation Can Advance Sustainable Agriculture – Under Certain Conditions

Digitalisation has long since arrived in agriculture. But how do these developments contribute to environmental and climate protection? We present solutions.

Torge Peters

We Investigate the Role Digitalisation Plays in Sustainable Agriculture

Climate change poses major challenges for agriculture. Here we ask about the importance of digitalisation in creating sustainable agriculture.

How Digitalisation Can Help Neighbourhoods Share Electricity

More players in the market are key to driving the shift away from fossil fuels — and digitalisation plays an important role. However, digital technologies themselves are also energy-hungry. But there are ways to keep the additional energy consumption low.

The 15-Minute City: A Sustainable and Accessible Urban Future

How can we leverage technology to create more sustainable and accessible urban spaces? 15-minute cities could be the answer.

Fresher and More Sustainable: 4 Tips on How to Shorten Your Shopping Supply Chains

Short supply chains are more sustainable and lead to fresher food! RESET presents 6 digital solutions for shorter supply chains.

Open Source Platform LiteFarm Supports Sustainable Farmers

Large corporations dominate the provision of digital services in agriculture. However, open-source platform LiteFarm focuses on cooperation in making agriculture more sustainable.


How Can Digitalisation Help Decarbonise the Building Sector?

Major transformations are needed to achieve the climate targets in the building sector. Here we provide an overview of the role digital technologies play in the industry.


“Digitalisation is Key to Climate Neutrality in the Building Sector”: An Interview with Sibyl Steuwer

How can we rapidly revolutionise the construction industry, and where are digital technologies playing a pivotal role? Sibyl Steuwer from BPIE shares her insights in an interview.