9 Results for: renewable energies

Enyway: “We want our customers to have a much bigger role in the shift to renewable energies.”

German startup Enyway wants to make traditional energy companies a thing of the past. RESET talked to co-founder Varena Junge about their plans.

100 Percent Renewable Energy Needs Efficiency and Intelligence. Interview with Severin Beucker (Borderstep Institute)

How can we successfully transform our energy system towards climate neutrality? For Severin Beucker, co-founder of the Borderstep Institute, the most important prerequisites are efficient and intelligent grids and consumers.

Renewable Energy — What You Need to Know

Energy resources exist in different forms. The effects of climate change, and the impact that greenhouse gas emissions have on the atmosphere are dependent on humans understanding the difference.

New Technology Uses Food Waste to Turn UV Light Into Renewable Energy

A technology called AuREUS , which uses waste materials to turn UV light into electricity, even without direct sunlight, has won the James Dyson Award’s first-ever Sustainability Prize.

Vehicle-to-Grid: Using Electric Cars To Store Renewable Energy

Electric cars that aren't currently on the move could be used to help stabilise energy grids, make electricity from renewable energy sources more viable and generate extra income for EV owners. That's the goal of the Munich-based company The Mobility House and their smart Vehicle-to-Grid technology.

phone, tree, peakpick
Indra Jungblut

Green Electricity Flows With PeakPick

How about being able to use your appliances when the share of renewable energies is at its highest? PeakPick is showing consumers exactly when is best.

Fraunhofer ISE

Reallabor Pfaff – Climate Neutrality Begins with Intelligently Networked Neighbourhoods

Solar power, heat pumps and waste heat - renewable energies are readily available. The former Pfaff factory site is being used to test what the climate-neutral neighbourhood of the future will look like.

How One Small Island in the Middle of the Atlantic Is Using EVs to Ditch Fossil Fuels Completely

Renewable energies, vehicle-to-grid technologies, second-life battery energy storage and cloud platforms: a combination of all of these is being used to help Porto Santo become the world’s first “Smart Fossil Free Island.”