Are we really breathing clean air when we sit in our garden or local park? The portable measuring device AirBeam can answer this question—and thanks to its open-source data—also protects other people from the impact of air pollution.
An award winning open-source technology is bringing safe water to remote and water-scarce communities: cheap, easy to assemble and requiring no technical know-how or expensive inputs, it helps people to access clean drinking water fast!
Cities have got a magnetic pull; everyone nowadays is moving there. The world's urban population is increasing tremendously and stats predict that by 2050, 70 percent of the world’s population will be living in cities. So how do we manage this huge growth?
The GOOD search engine uses a paid subscription model. Co-founder Andreas Renner explains why this saves CO2 emissions and benefits users.
Effective climate protection needs reliable data! CorrelAid helps NGOs collect high-quality data and meaningfully analyse it.
We round up five impactful non-profits who need your donations this holiday season!
Floods and droughts are increasing, while groundwater levels decline. Measuring Terrestrial Water Storage helps track these changes.
Artificial intelligence has a large CO2 footprint. Renewable energies alone will not solve the problem, says Friederike Rohde.
AI and farm robots are opening up new possibilities in agriculture - environmentally friendly weed and pest control is one of them.