9 Results for: ocean cleanup

Is the Ocean Cleanup Back on Track? New System Starts Cleaning Up the Pacific Trash Patch

The last version of the Ocean Cleanup's concept failed out at sea, but now a new version is cleaning up the waves.

The Ocean Cleanup Introduces Interceptors to Clean Up the World’s Polluted Rivers

Boyan Slat and The Ocean Cleanup have made headlines with their ambitious plastic cleanup projects. Their latest idea, the "Interceptor" aims to clean up waste before it ever makes it into the sea.

The Ocean Cleanup Project Has Hit a Snag. What Do We Do Now?

An ambitious bid to scoop plastic out of the ocean with a giant net seems to be proof of the old adage that in theory there is no difference between theory and practice - but, in practice, there is.

The Ocean Cleanup Gets a Helping Hand From Pacific Garbage Screening

What started out as one German architecture student's final project is set to make waves when it comes to tackling one of our most pressing environmental issues - ocean plastic.

Are High-Tech Reusable Water Bottles the Solution Our Oceans Need?

Rebo's high-tech reusable water bottle collects plastic waste from the beach every time you drink. But will growing sales of reusable water bottles save our oceans, or are they a sign of ever-more consumerism?

Jellyfish Inspired Robot Looks to Clean Up the Ocean Floor

The new low-noise prototype can pick up plastic without disturbing its natural surroundings.

AI and Satellite Technology Team Up to Help Spot Ocean Plastic From Space

Cleaning up plastic in the ocean requires first spotting it. New research suggests that a combination of AI and satellite technology could make the process easier, cheaper and more effective.

An Ambitious Mission to End Ocean Plastic Takes to the Waves for Trials

The project, consisting of a large floating pipe, aims to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Oceanic Plastic, Be Gone!

Dutch teenager Boyan Slat is currently developing a concept which could remove millions of tonnes of plastic from the world’s oceans.