9 Results for: energy

Consume Energy When It’s Cheap and Green With Dynamic Electricity Tariffs

When the wind blows and the sun shines, there is plenty of cheap, green energy. Tibber passes this on to customers with a dynamic electricity tariff.

100 Percent Renewable Energy Needs Efficiency and Intelligence. Interview with Severin Beucker (Borderstep Institute)

How can we successfully transform our energy system towards climate neutrality? For Severin Beucker, co-founder of the Borderstep Institute, the most important prerequisites are efficient and intelligent grids and consumers.

Torge Peters

How to Accelerate the Energy Transition Using Digital Technologies

Which roles can digital technologies play in the transformation of our energy system towards using 100 percent renewable energy? In the latest "Energy Transition – The Future is Networked" Greenbook, RESET.org has researched solutions and interviewed experts. Here are the results.

Micro Hydropower Plant: Energyfish Generates Clean Energy With a Low Environmental Impact

Energyfish are small hydropower plants that are quick and easy to install in rivers, while continuously supplying clean energy.


This Clever Online Tool Helps German Speakers to Join the Energy Transition

Although many people support the goals of an energy transition, only a few are involved in projects and initiatives. The "Energiewende-O-Mat" online tool aims to change this.


Solar Energy in Africa: “If We Don’t Know the Real Problem, the Solution Will Probably Be the Wrong One”

The non-profit Access to Energy Institute (A2EI) aims to supply as many people as possible in Africa with solar power. It relies on comprehensive, data-driven problem analysis and optimised solutions to achieve this.

solar panel on house
© Vivint Solar (Unsplash license)

Empowering Europe’s Energy Future: Harnessing JRC’s ‘Photovoltaic Geographic Information System’

Europe develops new tool, the Photovoltaic Geographic Information System, to democratise data for informed, sustainable energy decisions.

Mapping Europe’s Renewable Energy Future with the Energy and Industry Geography Lab

The EU's Energy and Industry Geography Lab has created a new way of helping Member States map their renewable energy development. But, can it alone help to reduce carbon emissions?

The Power of Nowcasting to Achieve More Efficient Solar Energy Grids

To date, nowcasting research has primarily concentrated on rainfall prediction, while solar forecasting remains relatively unexplored. Advances in the field are crucial for improving solar energy reliability and efficiency.