3 Results for: Landwirtschaft

Torge Peters

Digitalisation Can Advance Sustainable Agriculture – Under Certain Conditions

Digitalisation has long since arrived in agriculture. But how do these developments contribute to environmental and climate protection? We present solutions.

Open Source Against the Big Players: How OpenOlitor Is Helping Agriculture

OpenOlitor is a management tool for community-supported agriculture that works completely free of charge thanks to open source. At the same time, it is particularly flexible, easy to use and puts a stop to large corporations.


Digital 3D Soil Maps Help Make Farming More Environmentally Friendly

A young company from Berlin wants to use 3D soil maps to make agriculture lower in emissions and more resource-efficient. Satellite and aerial photographs provide the data. Co-founder Suvrajit Saha explains to RESET in an interview how the soil maps are produced and who is benefitting from this new knowledge.