4 Results for: Kreislaufwirtschaft

© Torge Peters

How to Accelerate the Energy Transition Using Digital Technologies

Which roles can digital technologies play in the transformation of our energy system towards using 100 percent renewable energy? In the latest "Energy Transition – The Future is Networked" Greenbook, RESET.org has researched solutions and interviewed experts. Here are the results.


Not Enough Updates: Do Refurbished Smartphones Have a Software Problem?

The software update promises made by mobile phone manufacturers remain insufficient. Is this a problem for refurbished phones?

Bioplastics: An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Conventional Plastic?

Littering our parks, bus stops and beaches, plastic waste, one of the most serious environmental problems of our times, is quite literally everywhere. Could bioplastics provide a solution? And are they really as sustainable as we might think?

© FoodLoop

The Circular Economy Goes Digital

The "circular economy" doesn't just mean recycling. It aims to fundamentally reduce the amount of waste we produce and potentially create a zero-waste society. With the ever increasing digitisation of our daily lives, we now have more opportunities than ever to keep waste levels low.