9 Results for: Holz

Torge Peters

Sustainable Building Revolution: This CO2 Heavyweight Needs a Rapid Transformation

The construction, heating, cooling and disposal of our buildings accounts for around 40 percent of Germany's CO2 emissions. How can the transformation succeed and what do sustainable digital solutions look like? This is the subject of our latest RESET Greenbook.

Why You Need to Charge Your Smartphone All the Time and What It Has to Do With Tracking

Digitalisation not only has a high electricity demand, but also ensures a constantly growing consumption of resources. Here's how changing your phone use can change this.

Torge Peters

Digitalisation Can Advance Sustainable Agriculture – Under Certain Conditions

Digitalisation has long since arrived in agriculture. But how do these developments contribute to environmental and climate protection? We present solutions.

Torge Peters

We Investigate the Role Digitalisation Plays in Sustainable Agriculture

Climate change poses major challenges for agriculture. Here we ask about the importance of digitalisation in creating sustainable agriculture.


How Can Digitalisation Help Decarbonise the Building Sector?

Major transformations are needed to achieve the climate targets in the building sector. Here we provide an overview of the role digital technologies play in the industry.

Managing Wildlife-Human Coexistence with Digital Mapping

After a spate of bear attacks in northern Italy, digital maps are being developed to protect the interests of both humans and wildlife.


RESET International Is Hiring an Online Editor with Focus on Sustainability and Digitalisation

The English language version of RESET.org is looking for an editor and writer to join the team!

Phelas: The Flexible Liquid Air Energy Storage Container Backing Up Renewable Power

Renewable energy is better for the environment than fossil fuel alternatives, but is it always best for business? One German startup hopes to make it a more robust option, with the help of an innovative and reliable renewable energy storage solution.


The Key to Sustainable Digitalisation? Data Centres Powered With Green Energy

A new study takes a look at the power consumption and CO2 emissions caused by the very backbone of the internet - data centres - and offers ideas on what we can do to ensure that this cornerstone of our digital lives is greener and kinder to the planet.