Content to: Refugee Aid 2.0

Donate Phones and Save Lives: “Wir Packen’s An” Collects Old Smartphones for Refugees

Instead of lying in a drawer, your old mobile phone could help people on escape routes. The "Wir packen's an" association reveals how this works.

Interview: Can Radar Technology Help Rescue Refugees at Sea?

Every year, thousands of people drown while fleeing across the Mediterranean. A radar detector should enable sea rescuers to react more quickly. An interview with Peter Lanz.

No Tools Required: Modern Origami-Inspired Emergency Shelters That Can Pop-Up in a Matter of Minutes

Disaster relief often requires a multi-pronged approach covering food, medical services and - importantly - shelter. A New York-based architectural firm now hopes to make the latter easier and more affordable by creating flatpack, origami-inspired emergency shelters.

5 Simple Online Ways That Help You Support Refugees Right Now

Want to show solidarity with the world's refugees, but not sure how? Your computer, tablet, or phone could be a pretty good place to start.

Mimycri: From Greek Migrant Boats to Berlin Designer Bags

The social entrepreneurs behind mimycri are turning  migrants' broken and discarded rubber boats into designer bags and wallets - not only offering refugees meaningful jobs, but also helping to reduce plastic waste in the process.

Migraflix: Where Refugees and Immigrants Become Cultural Ambassadors

By bringing together locals and foreigners through intercultural exchange, Migraflix is helping to flip the typical immigrant paradigm on its head. Rather than being seen as foreigners in need of help from their new country, instead they become entrepreneurs, enriching their new communities with their own unique skills.

Refugee Aid App: Enabling Refugees Better Access to Essential Services

For refugees fleeing war and persecution, starting over in a foreign country can be a major challenge. RefAid is a mobile app that connects users with local services offered by aid organisations, to help new arrivals re-establish their lives.

A Chatbot Quickly Connects Refugees and Volunteer Translators

Translation is extremely important for refugees, and communication is often hindered by interpretation problems or delays in organising translations. Tarjimly could soon be a faster connection to a translator, on a platform that many people already use: Facebook Messenger.

Getting Cash to Syrian Refugees in Jordan – the Eyes Have It

Banks in Jordan are using iris scan technology to help Syrian refugees access cash assistance provided by the UNHCR.