Impact Economics


For most businesses, having positive social and environmental impact isn’t high up on the list of priorities. But change is coming! Here we take a look at innovative economic approaches with proven, positive, sustainable impact.

Torge Peters

Sustainable Building Revolution: This CO2 Heavyweight Needs a Rapid Transformation

The construction, heating, cooling and disposal of our buildings accounts for around 40 percent of Germany's CO2 emissions. How can the transformation succeed and what do sustainable digital solutions look like? This is the subject of our latest RESET Greenbook.


Frisch Gefischt: Start-up Shows How Difficult Sustainable Fishing Is in Germany

The local fishing industry in Germany is facing a challenge, as there have been no fish auctions since the 1980s. In an effort to make the fishing industry more sustainable, the Hamburg-based startup Frisch Gefischt is opting for an online solution.


How Software is Helping Achieve Climate-Neutrality in Buildings

Construction, materials, and type of heating all play a crucial role in determining the amount of CO2 emissions a building will generate over its lifespan. CAALA's software can accurately calculate and optimise these factors from the outset.

phone, tree, peakpick
Indra Jungblut

Green Electricity Flows With PeakPick

How about being able to use your appliances when the share of renewable energies is at its highest? PeakPick is showing consumers exactly when is best.


Not Enough Updates: Do Refurbished Smartphones Have a Software Problem?

The software update promises made by mobile phone manufacturers remain insufficient. Is this a problem for refurbished phones?

Giving Old Computers to Young People Is Better for More Than Just the Environment

When office computers become too old, they all too often end up on the scrap heap. The association "Hey, Alter!" gives them to young people instead. This is not only more sustainable, but also an exciting opportunity for digital education.

How Digitalisation Can Help Neighbourhoods Share Electricity

More players in the market are key to driving the shift away from fossil fuels — and digitalisation plays an important role. However, digital technologies themselves are also energy-hungry. But there are ways to keep the additional energy consumption low.

Save Water: How to Reduce Your Water Footprint

Water is a finite resource, and you probably consume more than you think. Here are the basics you need to know for reducing your water footprint.

© John Schnobrich (Unsplash license)

Avoid Returns and Express Deliveries: How to Make Online Shopping More Sustainable

It's never been easier to shop online. But, this convenience is often at the expense of the environment. Is there a sustainable future for online shopping?