Green Mobility – Digital solutions for a climate-neutral future


Autonomous vehicles, e-mobility, AI-controlled traffic planning, new modes for moving from A to B  — what will the mobility of tomorrow look like? We present the digital solutions being proposed for climate-neutral transport and logistics and discuss the new challenges of “digital mobility”.

The 15-Minute city: A Sustainable and Accessible Urban Future

How can we leverage technology to create more sustainable and accessible urban spaces? Perhaps 15 minute cities are the answer.

How Hitch-Hiking Could Help to Solve Germany’s Cargo Problem

Does hitching a ride only work for travellers? Or could ride-sharing for freight solve the sustainability problem of last-mile logistics?

Could Wireless Charging Revolutionise E-mobility?

Imagine a world where electric vehicles could be charged during drivetime. This world might be closer than you think.

Can AI Make Trucking More Sustainable?

Technologies such as artificial intelligence might have the potential to drastically reduce the environmental impact of the emission-heavy trucking sector.

Could Ducktrains Be the Answer to Our Last-Mile Logistics Problem?

Urban deliveries make urban life more convenient, but pollution, traffic and carbon emissions are the prices we pay. Could Aachen-based start-up Ducktrain have an answer?

Is E-Mobility Picking Up Speed?

E-mobility has been around for years now — but the pace of its rollout has seemed, at times, to drag. But, in 2023, is e-mobility finally starting to speed up?

Riding the Green Wave: Exploring the Role of Bicycles and Digital Tools in the Green Mobility Transition

Can bikes and technology join forces to create a greener tomorrow? How are cities harnessing the power of digital tools to make cycling the preferred mode of transportation?

Revolutionizing Urban Delivery: The Rise of Cargo Bikes in Last-Mile Logistics

Are we ready to move towards a greener and more efficient urban delivery system? With the help of digital infrastructure such as cargo bikes, last-mile logistics might just be picking up speed.

Smart Streets: Is Better Traffic Planning Driving Us Towards a Greener Future?

AI and digitisation are helping to make our roads better organised, faster to navigate, and lighter on the environment. But, what are the roadblocks in automating our traffic?