

Climate change, environmental destruction, biodiversity loss – the challenges we face are huge. But despair isn’t a great source of motivation. Here we flip the narrative of typical climate change reporting to look at innovative solutions to today’s environmental challenges.

What’s the Carbon Footprint of Your Website?

Digital media is more eco-friendly than analogue, right? Um... not really! But there are things we can do to reduce the environmental impact of our online lives. The Website Carbon Calculator can work out the carbon footprint of any website - and gives you tips on how to make your own online presence more sustainable.


Identify Plants With the Flora Incognita App – And Support Important Biological Research

AI-supported plant identification app Flora Incognita provides users with the names of previously unknown plants, turning you into a citizen scientist.

Deep Green Data Centres Heat Swimming Pools in the “Perfect Symbiotic Relationship”

Deep Green uses waste heat from its data centres to heat swimming pools, reducing their carbon emissions and keeping them afloat as energy costs soar.

Torge Peters

Digitalisation Can Advance Sustainable Agriculture – Under Certain Conditions

Digitalisation has long since arrived in agriculture. But how do these developments contribute to environmental and climate protection? We present solutions.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint: A How-to Guide

Discover how to reduce your carbon footprint across all areas of your lifestyle to contribute to a healthier planet.

Fish Doorbell in Utrecht: Why Thousands of People Are Waiting for Fish on the Internet

Fish live more safely in Utrecht thanks to a fish doorbell. The project not only helps fish on their migration paths, it also draws attention to the dangers of human infrastructure.

Why a Digital Twin of the Arctic Has “The Potential to be Game-Changing”

PolArctic, a start-up using modelling technology and artificial intelligence to create a digital twin of the Arctic, will map out existing climate impacts on the area – and predict new ones.

© Benjamin Lucks

The Klim Mobile App: Making Regenerative Agriculture Simple and Lucrative

In the Klim app, farms can record their regenerative agricultural measures. In return, they get knowledge, a community and funds to support their work.


Edible Electronics: Reducing Electronic Waste With Digestible Robots and Nutritious Drones

Ever heard of edible electronics? Sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it could be a solution to reducing electronic waste, among other benefits.