Artificial Intelligence – Can Computing Power Save Our Planet?


Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection? Here we set out to find answers to these questions.

Harnessing AI to Soar Above Contrails: A Green Revolution in Aviation?

Contrails are a little-known, yet significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. One large tech company's AI solution might offer a breakthrough.

Machine Learning Model to Identify and Classify Global Climate Finance Flows

ETH Zurich researchers unveil ClimateFinanceBERT, a Machine Learning model exposing inaccuracies in reported global climate finance.

Super-Sorting Robots Help Unlock the Full Potential of Recycling

Inefficient sorting means 25 percent of materials end up wrongly in landfills. AI is increasingly helping recycling centres ensure everything ends up where it belongs.

Destination Earth: Navigating the Future through Climate Change Prediction and Human Interaction

Destination Earth utilises cutting-edge technology to forecast climate change effects and analyse human interactions with the environment. 

Revolutionising Reforestation: How AI-backed Funding is Combatting ‘Phantom’ Carbon Offsets

Recent investigations have revealed that over 90% of rainforest offset credits are likely illegitimate. Could AI be offering a solution?

Climate Interactive / MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative

This Climate Simulator Could Show Us How Policies Impact Our Planet

Is it too late for us to turn the tide on greenhouse emissions? This climate simulator predicts our climate outcomes - and it's enlightening.

Using Half the Water, This Robot Gardens Just as Well as Humans

In a recent experiment conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley, a robot gardener performed just as well as its human counterpart while using significantly less water.

Bits & Bäume

Sustainable Digitisation In Action: 28 Contributions From Bits & Bäume

How can society become sustainably digital? This is the subject of the recently-published book 'Shaping Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society'.


Rainforest Protection With Digital Solutions: “Digitalisation Makes Developments Visible So That They Can No Longer Be Negated”

We spoke to Stephan Bohn from the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) about the extent to which digital tools and platforms have an impact on rainforest protection in Indonesia.