Content to: Special Features Civic Tech

Torge Peters/ Studio Nørden

RESET Special Feature: Civic Tech – Ways out of the Climate Crisis with Digital Civic Engagement

With the help of digital tools, citizens can uncover environmental problems, collect important data and support protective measures. In our new upcoming Special Feature, we explore the question: How can civic tech solutions advance climate protection?

Gregor Fischer

Civic Tech – How Citizens Shape the Future with Digital Technologies. Interview with Geraldine de Bastion

For Geraldine de Bastion, digitisation is a development that we can - and must - actively shape. And also that we should use digitization for more climate protection. We talked to her about civic tech in environmental and climate protection and the challenges of digital engagement.

Open Food Network: The ‘Digital Farmers Market’ Trading Food – and Ideas

Open Food Network takes 'buying local' to the next step by introducing communities of shoppers to the farmers and producers that live around them.

Passive Citizen Science: Could Your Animal Photos Be Helping Science – Without You Even Knowing?

Citizen science usually requires an active participant to get - and stay - involved. Now researchers have been experimenting with a passive approach that deputises photographers into conservation and nature research, without them having to do anything.

The Community of Thousands of Volunteers Providing Free, Accurate Digital Maps for Humanitarian Response

Digital maps form an essential tool for humanitarian response. A group of mapping volunteers are now working to ensure all crises spots are covered.

Zooniverse: A Million Volunteers are Helping to Spot Animals, Transcribe Records and Weather Watch in the Name of Science

Whether its counting penguins, deciphering historical records or listening to the stars, Zooniverse harnesses people power to assist in breaking down the big data behind scientific research.