Content to: Solar energy

Mapdwell: This Online Map Reveals the Solar Power Potential of Your Rooftop

A group of collaborators at MIT have come up with a remote assessment platform for rooftop solar that allows any community in the world to discover - and exploit - their underlying solar resource potential.

The World’s Second Solar Train En Route to the Cradle of the Incas

This summer, the world's second solar-powered train will go into operation - taking hundreds of tourists on a scenic trip through Argentina, and eventually on towards Bolivia and Peru, all the way to Machu Picchu.

BeON Energy: Plug and Play Solar Kits Designed to Bring Clean Energy to All

A Portuguese startup has created a plug and play photovoltaic system that makes it easier than ever for people to become solar energy producers.

Solmove Set to Open First Solar Cycle Path

A road surface that generates electricity from sunlight, absorbs noise, breaks down nitrogen oxides, defrosts ice in winter, provides valuable data and supplies electric vehicles with electricity. Sound too good to be true? It's true, and it's here.


SunCycles: Solar-Powered E-Bikes for Namibia

SunCycles is supplying Namibia with the latest in sustainable transportation - the country's first ever fleet of solar-powered e-bikes.

PLATIO: Turning Pavements Into a Sustainable Source of Solar Energy

A team of engineers and architects has developed a paving system that turns footpaths and public furniture into solar energy producers.

BuffaloGrid: The Solar Hubs Keeping Off-Grid Communities Connected

BuffaloGrid's mini charging stations are helping keep people online and small-business owners earn a bit of extra cash.

Trine’s Crowd Investing in Solar Projects Helps Tackle Global Energy Poverty

Crowd investing platform Trine lets people invest small amounts of money in solar energy systems for off-grid communities. Successful projects mean a return on your investment, and people around the world gaining access to clean electricity.

Solmove: Will German Cars Soon Be Driving on Solar Roads?

The German startup Solmove has developed a system of glass panels embedded with solar cells that can be used to cover roads and generate energy. It's the latest step in solar road technology, and looks set to give a boost to the electric car market too.