Content to: Smart Buildings

Fraunhofer ISE

Reallabor Pfaff – Climate Neutrality Begins with Intelligently Networked Neighbourhoods

Solar power, heat pumps and waste heat - renewable energies are readily available. The former Pfaff factory site is being used to test what the climate-neutral neighbourhood of the future will look like.

Ecoworks: Making Old Buildings Carbon Negative with a Second Skin

Converting older buildings with energy saving insulation is often costly and time consuming. A German startup wants to make the process more efficient and convenient.

Smart Cities: Efficient, Sustainable, Digitised Living

Our current global environment is undergoing significant changes that have never been experienced in the history of humanity. Coupled with an increase in rural to urban migration, the need to create sustainable communities and cities is more visible than ever before. We take a look at the notion of 'Smart Cities'.