Content to: Satellites


A Helping Hand From Outer Space: Doctors Without Borders Utilise Satellite Data for Humanitarian Missions

In Austria, the humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders has its own remote sensing and geoinformatics unit, which is helping them optimise and streamline their work in crisis regions. We spoke with Lorenz Wendt, who provides the organisation with satellite imagery and tailormade maps.


Can Cows Predict Earthquakes? Animal Observation Could Serve as an Early Warning System

A new research project is looking into whether there's scientific truth behind a long-held, but as yet untested, belief - that animals are able to sense imminent earthquakes. These new insights might be able to help us predict earthquakes in the future, set up early warning systems and ultimately limit their damage.

Cop4SDGs: Using Satellites to Monitor the Progress of the Sustainable Development Goals

Five years ago, the United Nations adopted The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Could satellites help ensure that those good intentions actually become reality?

Air Shepherd: Leading Rhinos and Elephants to Safety – With the Help of Drones

Air Shepherd flies drones to stop poaching. To date, they’ve piloted over 4,000 missions to stop rhino and elephant poachers. In their own words, their work is “reversing the march of extinction”. Here’s how.

Satellite Technology Could Hold the Key to Measuring the Ocean’s Increasing Acidification

Measuring the state of our seas and oceans was traditionally the realm of ships, but now satellites could look beneath the waves in an unprecedented way.

Data4Human: Aid Organisations Get a Helping Hand From the German Aerospace Center

Researchers at the German Aerospace Center are working to make space technologies available for humanitarian aid. The aim of their "Data4Human" project: to provide aid workers with the information they need to make crucial decisions - as quickly and precisely as possible.


Bluefield: Using Satellites to Detect Methane Leaks From Space

Leaks in natural gas pipelines often cause methane to escape undetected into the atmosphere, where it fuels climate change. Bluefield is using satellites and optical sensors to detect these leaks from space.

AI and Satellite Technology Team Up to Help Spot Ocean Plastic From Space

Cleaning up plastic in the ocean requires first spotting it. New research suggests that a combination of AI and satellite technology could make the process easier, cheaper and more effective.

Track and Report Conflict in the Digital Age

Citizen engagement coupled with technology is helping to usher in a new age of conflict reporting, tracking and mitigating.