Content to: RESET Specials

Drones: Propelling Sustainable Development

The word 'drone' often conjures up imagery and associations with warfare due to the heavy use of drones by the military. However, drones, which are often referred to as UAVs – unmanned aerial vehicles, are being used more and more in other ways in society.

Drones and Satellites for Good – How Mini-Helicopters Could Aid Disaster Relief

In the event of a disaster, being able to communicate over long and short distances is key. Damage to cables and other communications infrastructure can sometimes hinder this process. We take a look at how drones can reestablish radio networks in the aftermath of a disaster.

Drones and Satellites for Good – Wildlife Watching from Above

Wildlife conservationists are constantly having to up their game to stay two steps ahead of criminal poachers. For a proper bird's eye view, a handful of organisations are looking towards the sky, using satellite technology to help protect species on the ground.

Drones and Satellites for Good – Satellites Show the Strain of CO2 on the Planet

Since the 1970s, researchers have been using satellites to track the planet's weather and climate indicators, using the data to visualise phenomena like melting sea ice and ocean acidification. Now, scientists have realised that the speed of satellites is indicative of CO2 levels.


Drones and Satellites for Good – Drones as Flying Ambulances

In areas with poor road infrastructure, getting vital equipment and supplies to residents can be difficult. One US-based organisation is looking at how drones could be used as medical couriers.

Drones and Satellites for Good – Chatting with Drone Adventures

Mapping, data collection, conducting headcounts of animals - drones are being put to use in myriad ways to assist in development and disaster relief. We spoke with the organisation Drone Adventures about the projects they are bringing to life in this field.

Drones and Satellites for Good – Satellites Predict Patterns of Disease

Nighttime lights reveal a lot about us: where we live, how many of us live in one spot and now where serious illnesses are most likely to occur and break out. Namely, there is a large connection between migrating people, brightly-lit cities and seasonal outbreaks of the measles. As part of our RESET Special 'Drones and Satellites for Good', we take a look at how serious diseases can be detected using satellite imagery.

RESET Special: Drones and Satellites for Good – How Drones and Satellites Are Helping the World

From the bottom of the ocean to the outer reaches of the galaxy – the possibilities offered by drones and satellites are practically unlimited. Unmanned aerial vehicles are no longer only used in war zones. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, they are also valuable aids in the fight against pollution and social injustice. They can expose polluters and even locate people buried under rubble. In our RESET Special 'Drones and Satellites for Good', we will introduce projects that use satellites and drones towards sustainable development.

RESET Special: Refugee Aid 2.0 – Event: Social Entepreneurship and Integration

According to figures from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 51 million people are currently seeking asylum, have refugee status or are internally displaced. As a result of natural and humanitarian disasters, this number is growing.