Content to: Refurbishment

© Benjamin Lucks / RESET

Visit to Topio: Market Stall for Sustainable and Google-Free Mobile Phones

Your old smartphone has more potential than you think! Alternative operating systems such as the Topio association are making them faster, more secure and free from data compromises.

Elektronik: Besser mieten statt kaufen

Electronics: Better to Rent Than Buy

Commown rents out ecological and modular smartphones, headphones, laptops and computers via a digital platform. The cooperative aims to make the consumption of electronics more sustainable and responsible.


“Digitalisation is Key to Climate Neutrality in the Building Sector”: An Interview with Sibyl Steuwer

How can we rapidly revolutionise the construction industry, and where are digital technologies playing a pivotal role? Sibyl Steuwer from BPIE shares her insights in an interview.