Content to: Plastic

Plaxtil: A French Firm Finds a Way to Recycle Single-Use Face Masks

Disposable, single-use surgical face masks are quickly becoming yet another throwaway product that's a burden on the environment. In France, one startup has come up with a way to give them a second life.

Freeing the Seas From Ghost Fishing Nets – With the Help of an App

A new app from the WWF lets individuals join a digital team cleaning up “ghost nets” - discarded fishing nets polluting our seas and oceans.

Cellugy: Compostable Petroleum-Free Bioplastic Offers an Alternative to Conventional Plastic Packaging

Petroleum-free, with fewer emissions and cheap to produce: the Danish company Cellugy has developed a bioplastic that is 100 percent biodegradable and could one day be seen on our supermarket shelves.

Microplastics: Tiny, Toxic and All Around Us

Microscopic plastic particles are now found in our water, our soil and even in the air we breathe. Where do they come from, what do they do to us and, most importantly, what can we do about them?

Spoontainable: Making Summer More Sustainable With Edible Cocoa Ice-Cream Spoons

Just in time for the start of the season, Spoontainable has come up with a plastic-free alternative to those tiny, "use them for five minutes and then throw them away" spoons that you normally get with your ice-cream.

The EU Ban on Single-Use Plastics – What Impact Will It Have?

From the year 2021, straws, plates and other disposable plastic products will be banned in the EU. Is this a real declaration of war against the flood of one-use plastics or just a distraction from the lack of any truly effective policies?

Who Needs Plastic? These Wheat Bran Plates Double as Your Dessert

Plastic plates and other single-use plastics will soon be banned in the EU. Environmentally-friendly alternatives, such as these plates made of wheat bran however, have been around for a long time.

Eatapple: A Fruity Alternative to the Plastic Straw

Straws don't have to be made out of plastic. One team of ecopreneurs has come up with an alternative - made from apples.

Is Photocatalysis Our Greatest Weapon in the Fight Against Microplastics?

Researchers in Stockholm have developed a process that successfully breaks down harmful microplastics using the power of the sun.