Content to: Plastic Pollution

Embracing the Strange: Unconventional Solutions to the Climate Crisis

It's time to think outside the box. Guest author Cal Innes, Digital Sustainability Specialist at Jisc has collected five unconventional solutions to the climate crisis and discusses whether he thinks they're mad, or genius.

Satellites Can Now Detect Marine Litter From Space

New research shows how satellites can be used to detect marine litter from space and create a map of the waste in our oceans.

The Micro Smart Factory Working as an Off-Grid Water Purification Plant

“Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink” — water scarcity doesn’t always mean a lack of water. Sometimes, it just needs to be cleaned.

© Screenshot / WWF

New Interactive Map Reveals the Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans

Plastic waste has by now made its way into almost every area of the ocean. The WWF has compiled a new interactive world map that turns the spotlight on this marine plastic pollution - one of the largest environmental problems in the world.

We Can Reduce Plastic Pollution by 80 Percent by 2040 – And Here’s What Needs to Happen

Right now, millions of tons of plastic end up in our planet's natural ecosystems every year - and stay there for centuries. According to the results of a new study, we could successfully stem the plastic tide using already existing technologies - but we need to start right now.

This Gigantic Litter-Picking Ship Wants to Rid the Seas of Plastic

Microplastics are a threat to humans and the environment. One Swiss sailor has invented a boat that can fish plastic out of the sea before it breaks down into the dangerous particles.