Content to: oceans

A Simple Technological Solution Could Save Endangered Marine Animals and Make Fishermen More Money

LED lights on nets have long been theorised as a method of reducing bycatch, but only now has a full scientific study been conducted into their use.

IVF For Coral Reefs: ‘Coral Babies’ Grow to Maturity in Breakthrough Restoration Research

With coral IVF proven to work, researchers turn to robots and citizen science to deliver the new aquatic 'bundles of joy'.

What Can Environmental DNA Teach Us About Ocean Biodiversity?

Could the bodily fluids of sea creatures contain clues on how to best preserve our oceans?

Rrreefs: 3D Printed “Lego-Like” Blocks That May Give Coral a New Artificial Home

Coral reef restoration is a lifeline for marine species under threat. With these rich ecosystems disappearing at truly alarming rates, innovative methods are necessary to protect what’s left.

Climate Change

For millions of years, the global climate has fluctuated. However, the trajectory of climate change is being drastically altered by humanity. Our accelerated economic development is having a serious impact on the world's climate.


Global consumption of fish is outpacing natural production, posing a significant threat to marine ecosystems. Commercially valuable species such as tuna, swordfish, marlin, cod, halibut, skate, and flounder are fished at enormous quantities to the point where populations of said species are dangerously low.