Content to: mobility

How Can the Mobility Transition Gain Momentum?

The transport sector is still responsible for enormous CO2 emissions. A mobility turnaround is urgently needed. But what are the essential steps and what role does digitalisation play in this?

New RESET Project: Mission Climate Neutrality – Driving Transformation with Digital Solutions

RESET is launching a new project. In four online special features, we are approaching the question of how the target level of climate neutrality can be achieved with digital support - and as quickly as possible.

PrioBike: An App Letting Cyclists Ride Through the City on a Green Light Wave

Cycling through the city without having to stop for red lights? Sounds great - and will soon be a possibility. We spoke to sub-project leader Sven Fröhlich about PrioBike and digital tools for improved urban cycling.

PeekUp: In Berlin, a Fleet of Cargo Bikes Wants to Help You Declutter Your Life

The Berlin startup PeekUp is here to pick up your clutter in a convenient and eco-friendly way - via a cargo bike service that travels right to your door.


Open Curbs: The Open Data Platform Mapping Our Cities for Safer, Greener, More Democratic Roadsides

Scooters, taxis, delivery vans, pedestrians and cyclists all compete for space at the sides of the road. As the pressure on our curbsides grows, US company Coord is using the power of machine learning to create an open source map of this contested area - to improve mobility, efficiency and quality of life for all.

Boogaali: Bamboo Bikes Made in Uganda

Bicycles are one of the most sustainable means of transport around. One ambitious cyclist in Uganda is producing bicycles with an even lower CO2 footprint than the average. We visited him in his workshop in Kampala.

Nine Simple Apps That Could Help You Live a More Sustainable Life

The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the way we travel: it all has an impact on the world around us. And when it comes to making informed decisions, unravelling facts from fiction is no easy task. Luckily, a growing number of smartphone apps are at hand to help - informing and motivating us to do what we can to lead more sustainable lives.

Can You Make an Eye-Movements-Controlled Wheelchair at the Age of 14? Yes, You Can.

A seemingly ordinary 14 year-old girl from Duisburg, whose hobbies include soldering, coding and building things, has come up with an extraordinary invention - a wheelchair that can be controlled through the eye movements of its user.