Content to: green innovation

Eine Hand, aus der verschiedene Symbol zur Digitalisierung herauskommen
Pixabay / Geralt

Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR): Strategies for Digital Sustainability

What does CDR mean, how does it differ from CSR and how does it make companies more sustainable? RESET reveals the secret of digital self-responsibility!

Meet the New Sound-Powered Sensor That Could Replace Batteries

Researchers in Zurich have developed sensors using sound waves, which could save 78 million batteries per year in the EU alone.

Drone Light Shows Could Provide a Green Alternative to Dangerous and Polluting Traditional Fireworks

Fireworks have been causing havoc for humans, wildlife and the planet for centuries. Could drone light shows light the way for a greener alternative?

Artificial Intelligence – Can We Save our Planet with Computing Power?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection?