Content to: Food Waste

WeFood: Why This Danish Supermarket Is Selling Food That Nobody Wants

WeFood, a new Danish supermarket, is stepping up to tackle the fight against food waste. Stocking only food that has passed its sell-by date, and selling it for a fraction of the original price, the shop has been a huge success, with the organisers struggling to keep up with demand.

Waste Not, Want Not: the Story of Germany’s Food-saving Revolution

What happens to bruised bananas, bread baked yesterday, and yogurts in imperfect packaging? More often than not, even slightly damaged food, though still edible, is deemed unsellable by retailers and thrown away. But in Germany, a grassroots movement is in full swing, and it looks to offer a unique and genuinely effective solution to the growing problem of food waste.


Sustainable Development 2.0: Food Waste Beyond 2015

Food waste is a matter that has clear and quantifiable solutions. Considering the increased awareness of extreme world hunger and poverty, this much overlooked issue could improve food security worldwide.

Fresh Ideas on Food Wastage

A family-taught home remedy is helping to tackle the problem of food waste.