Content to: fishing

Why a Digital Twin of the Arctic Has “The Potential to be Game-Changing”

PolArctic, a start-up using modelling technology and artificial intelligence to create a digital twin of the Arctic, will map out existing climate impacts on the area – and predict new ones.

Can Sensors, Cameras and “Big Data” on the High Seas Make Fishing More Sustainable?

Modern sensors and data processing can make fishing more sustainable. However, new technologies such as SUSTUNTECH run the risk of having the opposite effect.

Can Artificial Whale Excrement Restore the Natural Balance of the Ocean?

Whale faeces is the starting point of many food chains in the ocean. Researchers are now trying to use excrement from the lab as fertiliser to boost the CO2 storage of the oceans.

A Simple Technological Solution Could Save Endangered Marine Animals and Make Fishermen More Money

LED lights on nets have long been theorised as a method of reducing bycatch, but only now has a full scientific study been conducted into their use.

Global Fishing Watch: Monitoring Fishing From Above

A decade ago, it would have been impossible to create an accurate picture of the world's fisheries. But advances in satellite technology, cloud computing and machine learning have made it possible.

In Ghana, a New App is Striving to Save Fishermen’s Livelihoods

For years, Ghana’s lively fishing culture has been floundering. Nearly 10% of the country depends on the fishing industry, but illegal activity along the coast is ravaging wild fish populations. Now, a new app called DASE is tilting power back in favour of small-scale fishers and their communities by allowing them to easily report infractions at sea.