Content to: Farming

Peter Nijenhuis

A Pedal-powered Tractor That Saves Fuels with ZERO Emissions

Good news for those who own small-sized farmland! Sustainable farming means using resources within an agricultural setting without much external input needed, but it is inevitable to use small tractors to do many jobs such as plowing, weeding, seeding and harvesting. Tractors consume fuel, compact soil, cost a lot, and cause physical damage to the operator. Is there an alternative?

Hydroponics – Making Cities Self-Sufficient in Food Production

The CEO of Lufa Farms' childhood of growing up in a farming family enables him to see today’s food production challenges in a different way. Me, growing up in Hong Kong, a city described as where ‘agriculture does not exist at all’ and that imports over 90 percent of its food to feed its seven million inhabitants, I also feel the urgent need to raise our self-sufficiency in food production.

TIMES Pieces: Films for Farming

RESET recently chatted with Rikin Gandhi of DigitalGREEN  for our TIMES Pieces series to look at how technology is benefiting farmers in India.

The Changing Face of Urban Farming in London

Recently I've noticed that London embraces urban farming in a way I haven't seen in other cities. Last month, I attended the Oxford-Cambridge Goat Race at Spitalfields City Farm in East London, a popular annual event that raises money for the farm.