Content to: Energy Transition

Fraunhofer ISE

Reallabor Pfaff – Climate Neutrality Begins with Intelligently Networked Neighbourhoods

Solar power, heat pumps and waste heat - renewable energies are readily available. The former Pfaff factory site is being used to test what the climate-neutral neighbourhood of the future will look like.

How Etalytics can make energy systems more sustainable and cost-efficient

Whether you’re more concerned about extreme weather or, correspondingly, an extremely large energy bill, energy efficiency can help resolve both issues.

Is Hydrogen Storage the Future of Renewable Energy?

There are many potential ways to store surplus renewable energy, but hydrogen is emerging as one of the most promising. New advances are making it cleaner and more practical.

People Power: Pushing the Energy Transition Through ‘Prosumership’

Grassroots activism, favourable regulations, financial incentives, and good, old-fashioned peer pressure are key to the energy transition.