Content to: donating

Ask.Moe: Using Google’s Powerful Search Function to Fund Non-Profits

All of us use search engines everyday, and most of us use Google. This makes a lot of money for them, but can it also generate funds for charitable causes?

Proof of Concept: Charity Shopping, Buy One Give One, Rounding Up…What Makes Sense? Here’s Our Conclusion

Over the last few days, we have looked at shops and platforms that try to mix shopping with doing good. Here are our recommendations for shopping with impact. 


Giving can help people in need and save our earth. Collective, philantrophic spending is tiny compared to the power of government but it can bear risk. It can kick-start innovation or fund unpopular causes. It can also support voices yet unheard. There are various forms of giving, including cash, services, new or used goods like clothing, toys, food and vehicles as well as voluntary service.