Content to: Data Centre

Deep Green Data Centres Heat Swimming Pools in the “Perfect Symbiotic Relationship”

Deep Green uses waste heat from its data centres to heat swimming pools, reducing their carbon emissions and keeping them afloat as energy costs soar.

Utilising Waste Heat From Data Centres: How Our Browser Activity Could Soon Be Used to Heat Our Buildings

Data centres consume huge amounts of energy – and generate plenty of heat in the process. In Sweden, thousands of households are already heated with server heat. Could this be a potential source of clean energy?

Screenshot Digital Reset

Digital Reset – New Report Calls for Fundamental Realignment of Digital Technologies

Digitalization, as it currently stands, exacerbates ecological and social crises. But digital technologies also offer the opportunity to put all sectors on a sustainable course. The report "Digital Reset" by TU Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future, shows how this can be achieved.

How Green Is Your Internet? Greenpeace’s Click Clean Campaign Provides Some Answers

What’s the status of renewable energy in the IT sector? The Click Clean Report 2017 takes a look at exactly this topic.

Keep Warm This Winter Using…Cloud Computing!

A Dutch company is looking to harness the excess heat generated by computer servers and use it to warm homes and buildings.