Can bikes and technology join forces to create a greener tomorrow? How are cities harnessing the power of digital tools to make cycling the preferred mode of transportation?
Cycling through the city without having to stop for red lights? Sounds great - and will soon be a possibility. We spoke to sub-project leader Sven Fröhlich about PrioBike and digital tools for improved urban cycling.
City-bike share schemes have long been touted as an eco-friendly form of urban mobility, part of the sustainability package of any modern city. But has Paris’s adoption made it a greener city? And does bike sharing in general have genuine environmental benefits?
These days it's not just the Dutch and the lycra-clad Olympians who are bike crazy. More and more people are swapping the steering wheel for a pair of handlebars, and climbing into the saddle. Whether you're looking for a new route to work, want to track your sporting prowess or learn how to fix a flat tyre – here you'll find the app that’s right for you.
In 2018 the Dutch city of Utrecht is set to open the world's biggest bicycle parking lot. Is this the most cycle-friendly city in the world?
For many cyclists, red lights are a pain in the neck. Flo helps users catch more green lights by indicating how they should adjust their speed, in real time.
When it comes to news and stats on e-mobility, electric cars and buses get the lion’s share of attention. But it’s actually their two-wheeled cousin, the electric bike or e-bike, that’s the top-selling electric vehicle worldwide. Are e-bikes about to usher in a whole new era of transportation?
An innovative project that allows cyclists to earn as they pedal, using their wheels as advertising space, has been successfully piloted in Frankfurt. Are you are a regular bike rider? Then this cool new initiative can bring you some cool new cash. Read on.
Bicycle popularity in cities is growing. Not only do they provide clean and cheap mobility, help reduce traffic congestion, and keep the air more breathable, but the health and fitness angle is a also a great pull for many commuters. Yet, one little problem remains: bike theft. But the clever folks at Skunk Lock have come up with an interesting idea to tackle it.