Content to: Buildings

Torge Peters

Sustainable Building Revolution: This CO2 Heavyweight Needs a Rapid Transformation

The construction, heating, cooling and disposal of our buildings accounts for around 40 percent of Germany's CO2 emissions. How can the transformation succeed and what do sustainable digital solutions look like? This is the subject of our latest RESET Greenbook.

Will Buildings in the Future Be Built From Mushrooms?

What if we could upcycle agricultural waste into a cheap, sustainable and biodegradable building material? Mycelium shows it's possible.

Used Diapers Show Promise as a Sustainable, Cheap Building Material

Scientists in Japan hope their innovative building material can provide affordable housing while cutting down on sand use and significantly reducing the number of diapers that end up in landfills.

Low Powered Tech Can Heat and Cool Your Home Using Natural Humidity

Humidity is all around us, and it could be a power source that is going to waste. One Israeli startup is harnessing humidity for home heating.

New Mineralisation Process Claims to Make Cement Cleaner and More Profitable at the Same Time

Cement is often the lifeblood or urbanisation, but it comes at a huge environmental cost. New research hopes to incentivise cleaner technologies by making cement more profitable.

Fraunhofer ISE

Reallabor Pfaff – Climate Neutrality Begins with Intelligently Networked Neighbourhoods

Solar power, heat pumps and waste heat - renewable energies are readily available. The former Pfaff factory site is being used to test what the climate-neutral neighbourhood of the future will look like.

New RESET Project: Mission Climate Neutrality – Driving Transformation with Digital Solutions

RESET is launching a new project. In four online special features, we are approaching the question of how the target level of climate neutrality can be achieved with digital support - and as quickly as possible.

Ecoworks: Making Old Buildings Carbon Negative with a Second Skin

Converting older buildings with energy saving insulation is often costly and time consuming. A German startup wants to make the process more efficient and convenient.

New Smart Roofing Material Can Automatically Heat or Cool With Zero Emissions

The new smart roofing material could help reduce emissions from the heating and cooling of buildings throughout the year.