Content to: Artificial Intelligence

The New Transparent Open Source Model Tackling Learned Biases in AI

Until now, the development of AI-based technologies for recognising text and speech has been in the hands of large technology companies. BLOOM aims to make this more transparent.


EIBA: Using AI to Support the Circular Economy

The EIBA project is developing an AI that identifies end-of-life parts to help reuse products instead of merely recycling them.

New AI and Image Recognition Software Can Detect How Animals are Feeling

The ability for machine learning algorithms to analyse huge amounts of information are making them indispensable tools for conservation research.

Recycleye: Robotics and Image Recognition Team Up for Automated Trash Sorting

For many people, tossing garbage into the bin marks the end of their relationship with it. It has now become someone else's responsibility and - if it has not been disposed of properly - someone else’s problem.

Artificial Intelligence – Can We Save our Planet with Computing Power?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programmes also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection?

Can Video Game Hardware Help Climate Research? Nvidia to Create a ‘Digital Twin’ of Earth

The manufacturer of graphics cards wants to use its know-how to recreate the Earth in a digital simulation on a unprecedented one metre scale.

New York’s Portable Recycling Plant Highlights a Micro-Manufacturing Future

While some manufacturers are going big, others are looking to small, self-sustaining microfactories as a more sustainable way to build things.

KInsecta: A Census for Insects

How many insects fly around us? Which species are out and about in our gardens, meadows and cities? It’s not an easy question to answer. But in the future, the KInsecta project will make it possible for researchers and interested laypeople to easily collect and evaluate data on the local insect world.