Content to: Artificial Intelligence

Dan Gold/ Unsplash

Aquaculture Gets a Digital Upgrade With Cloud-Based AI Software

Population growth and better living standards mean the demand for fresh fish, shellfish and crustaceans is constantly increasing. Aquaculture projects enhanced by AI are seeking to mitigate the damage to our oceans.

Can ChatGPT Solve Our Climate Questions? We Put It to the Test

While ChatGPT’s understanding of climate change is broadly accurate, it is prone to making mistakes that reflect larger societal misunderstandings of the issue.

Can AI Make Trucking More Sustainable?

Technologies such as artificial intelligence might have the potential to drastically reduce the environmental impact of the emission-heavy trucking sector.

AI Buoys Creating an Early Warning System for Whale Protection

Large whales can have important environmental and economic impacts. New AI buoys are being rolled out to protect them.

Can AI Computing Let Us ‘Talk’ to Sperm Whales?

A multi-disciplined project is using machine learning to decode the complex calls of sperm whales. Will we soon be able to 'talk' with them?

Digital Twins: Are Smart Images a Key in the Circular Economy?

An image of reality in real time: AI-based digital twins can make recycling more user-friendly for companies - and thus pave the way toward a complete circular economy.

Screenshot Digital Reset

Digital Reset – New Report Calls for Fundamental Realignment of Digital Technologies

Digitalization, as it currently stands, exacerbates ecological and social crises. But digital technologies also offer the opportunity to put all sectors on a sustainable course. The report "Digital Reset" by TU Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future, shows how this can be achieved.

Open Source AI Platform Calculates the Carbon Within Every Individual Tree

Many national governments lack the tools, or will, to accurately assess their reforestation efforts. CTrees is a platform aiming to provide transparency and accountability.

The New Transparent Open Source Model Tackling Learned Biases in AI

Until now, the development of AI-based technologies for recognising text and speech has been in the hands of large technology companies. BLOOM aims to make this more transparent.