Content to: Artificial Intelligence

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“The First Location Is a Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone”: How AI Model GeoMatch Is Relocating Refugees

Refugees who settle in a new country face location-based challenges. Could artificial intelligence model GeoMatch provide a solution?

Artificial Intelligence: Can We Save Our Planet With Computing Power?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programs also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection?


Identify Plants With the Flora Incognita App – And Support Important Biological Research

AI-supported plant identification app Flora Incognita provides users with the names of previously unknown plants, turning you into a citizen scientist.

Torge Peters

Digitalisation Can Advance Sustainable Agriculture – Under Certain Conditions

Digitalisation has long since arrived in agriculture. But how do these developments contribute to environmental and climate protection? We present solutions.

Why a Digital Twin of the Arctic Has “The Potential to be Game-Changing”

PolArctic, a start-up using modelling technology and artificial intelligence to create a digital twin of the Arctic, will map out existing climate impacts on the area – and predict new ones.

Data Instead of Guesswork: The Great Potential of Agricultural Monitoring

Using digital methods, researchers from Egypt have succeeded in calculating the soil quality of huge areas with 32 random samples. The project shows how important monitoring is for agriculture.


The Rise of Precision Agricultural Robots Paving the Way for Delicate Crop Handling

Modern agricultural robots pick even delicate fruits such as strawberries or tomatoes. They are could be set to solve several big problems in agriculture.

Super-Sorting Robots Help Unlock the Full Potential of Recycling

Inefficient sorting means 25 percent of materials end up wrongly in landfills. AI is increasingly helping recycling centres ensure everything ends up where it belongs.

Destination Earth: Navigating the Future through Climate Change Prediction and Human Interaction

Destination Earth utilises cutting-edge technology to forecast climate change effects and analyse human interactions with the environment.