Content to: Africa

Project Zamba: Protecting African Wildlife With Open Data and Artificial Intelligence

Camera traps are often used to protect endangered wildlife, recording thousands of hours of footage of the natural world. But who has the time to watch and analyse all of it? An open data project is helping animal conservation efforts by scanning hours of video footage and automatically highlighting the things that count.

Masakhane: Using AI to Bring African Languages Into the Global Conversation

Researchers from across the continent are collaborating on an open source AI project to develop machine translation for African languages - facilitating communication, increasing accessibility and opening doors to the world’s youngest continent to play a stronger role in shaping the digital world.

A Small Beach Town on the Ivory Coast Welcomes First Solar-Powered Taxis

On the African continent, the lack of eco-friendly transportation is being tackled by innovators who are tapping into the region's abundance of solar power. In Jacqueville, a small beach town on the Ivory Coast, the latest arrival is taxis fuelled by the power of the sun.


SunCycles: Solar-Powered E-Bikes for Namibia

SunCycles is supplying Namibia with the latest in sustainable transportation - the country's first ever fleet of solar-powered e-bikes.

Could This Danish Smartphone App Save Lives in Ethiopia?

A new app created by a Danish development organisation is offering advice and support to women in Ethiopia when it comes to one of the most dangerous times in their lives: giving birth.