Content to: Infrastructure

Green Electricity on the High Seas: Parkwind Tests First Offshore Charging Station for E-Boats

Offshore operator Parkwind shows how electric boats can also be charged on the high seas with an offshore charging station. Is this the key to long distance electric shipping?

How Digitalisation Can Help Neighbourhoods Share Electricity

More players in the market are key to driving the shift away from fossil fuels — and digitalisation plays an important role. However, digital technologies themselves are also energy-hungry. But there are ways to keep the additional energy consumption low.

Artificial Intelligence: Can We Save Our Planet With Computing Power?

Artificial intelligence has long since solved complex tasks and made our everyday lives easier. But do intelligent computer programs also provide new solutions for environmental and climate protection?

Hyperloop: These Swiss Students Could Be Pioneering the Future of Transport

Hyperloop presents many with hope for a green revolution in our transport systems. Could these Swiss students be at the helm?

The 15-Minute City: A Sustainable and Accessible Urban Future

How can we leverage technology to create more sustainable and accessible urban spaces? 15-minute cities could be the answer.

100 Percent Renewable Energy Needs Efficiency and Intelligence. Interview with Severin Beucker (Borderstep Institute)

How can we successfully transform our energy system towards climate neutrality? For Severin Beucker, co-founder of the Borderstep Institute, the most important prerequisites are efficient and intelligent grids and consumers.

Torge Peters

How to Accelerate the Energy Transition Using Digital Technologies

Which roles can digital technologies play in the transformation of our energy system towards using 100 percent renewable energy? In the latest "Energy Transition – The Future is Networked" Greenbook, has researched solutions and interviewed experts. Here are the results.

New Tracking Technology Hopes to Restore Trust in Last Mile Aid Delivery

Violence, corruption and infrastructure inefficiencies mean that humanitarian aid delivery is often hindered. Track & Trust hopes to help it along the last mile to those in need.

Das AirBeam-Device in einer Hand.

Portable Sensor AirBeam Measures Air Quality—and Shares Its Open-Source Data

Are we really breathing clean air when we sit in our garden or local park? The portable measuring device AirBeam can answer this question—and thanks to its open-source data—also protects other people from the impact of air pollution.