Content to: Gender Equality

The Role of Digital Tools in the World of Online Activism

It's impossible to imagine the world of online activism with the digital tools that underpin them. But their impact is not without downfalls.

What Is Child Labour? Definition, and What to Look Out For

Child labour is defined as work that harms or exploits children, and it's a lot more common than you might think. While progress has been made around the world in the fight against child labour, there's still a long way to go.

The New Transparent Open Source Model Tackling Learned Biases in AI

Until now, the development of AI-based technologies for recognising text and speech has been in the hands of large technology companies. BLOOM aims to make this more transparent.

Fairtronics: Using Data to Break Down the Social Risks of Consumer Electronics

How ethical are your consumer products? New data-driven approaches are hoping to provide new insight into where and how our electric gadgets are produced.

GlobaLeaks: Providing a Safe Space for Whistleblowers to Reveal Wrongs

Whistleblowing is never easy - and exposing the truth can mean unemployment, imprisonment or worse. GlobaLeaks provides safe and secure tools so whistleblowers can reveal dark commercial or governmental secrets with confidence.

Sustainabill: The Cloud Platform Making Supply Chains More Transparent

As international supply chains grow longer, it also becomes harder to identify human rights and environmental abuses. Now, a cloud platform is incentivising transparency by helping companies track their suppliers.

Digital Human Rights Lab: Ensuring Everyone Benefits from Increased Digitisation

The digital world throws up a host of serious problems for human rights. The Digital Human Rights Lab, is creating an online space to support and strengthen human rights for all.

Interview: Can We Trust Artificial Intelligence?

How can we design AI-based systems so that they benefit the common good? RESET talked to Kristina Penner from AlgorithmWatch about algorithmic bias and the potential for AI to reproduce systemic inequalities - but also about transparency and civic participation.

RESET Recommends 2019: 8 Hand-Picked Fundraising Projects With Real Impact

Want to donate to a good cause but can't work out the best place to send your hard-earned dollars? Here are the RESET team's top 8 fundraising projects for 2019 - hand-picked projects we love, with top marks for innovation, impact and integrity.