Content to: Consumption

Fresher and More Sustainable: 4 Tips on How to Shorten Your Shopping Supply Chains

Short supply chains are more sustainable and lead to fresher food! RESET presents 6 digital solutions for shorter supply chains.

Baus Taka
Baus Taka

Baus Taka’s New Mobile App Boosts Waste Management and Recycling in Mombasa

Mombasa's Baus Taka app offers users a way to have waste collected, recycled and to earn money from it. But, challenges remain.

Our Digital Carbon Footprint: What’s the Environmental Impact of the Online World?

Every single search query, every streamed song or video and every email sent, billions of times over all around the world - it all adds up to an ever-increasing global demand for electricity, and to rising CO2 emissions too. Our increasing reliance on digital tools has an environmental impact that's becoming increasingly harder to ignore.

Turning Electronic Waste Into Gold with Whey Protein

Electronic waste is not only resource intensive, but, recycling it is also inefficient. Could this common food byproduct improve the process, and is this really the best solution, after all?

Leading the German Baking Trade Into the Future With BackDigital

BackDigital's overall digital strategy is adapting the bakery trade to emerging challenges - while at the same time preserving tradition.

Torge Peters

We Investigate the Role Digitalisation Plays in Sustainable Agriculture

Climate change poses major challenges for agriculture. Here we ask about the importance of digitalisation in creating sustainable agriculture.


The Rise of Precision Agricultural Robots Paving the Way for Delicate Crop Handling

Modern agricultural robots pick even delicate fruits such as strawberries or tomatoes. They are could be set to solve several big problems in agriculture.

Kenyan Supermarket Greenspoon Champions Food Traceability and Sustainable Shopping

Through its website and mobile app, Kenyan grocery company Greenspoon provides sustainable products and discloses their sources.

fairphone iFixit

iFixit Analysis Praises This Modular Smartphone, But One Issue Remains

Independent reviewer iFixit has praised Fairphone for their modular smartphone. But, is it perfect? We're not sure.