A holistic approach, many years of outstanding commitment and exemplary initiatives for environmental protection and sustainable development – these are the criteria of the B.A.U.M. Environmental and Sustainability Prize, which has been awarded since 1993 and is one of the most recognised sustainability prizes in Germany. The prize is not awarded to organisations, but rather to committed individuals. “It is important to us above all to recognise the work of those who promote sustainability in business and society. Today we need role models like these more than ever before,” explains B.A.U.M. board member Martin Oldeland in a press release.
The jury selected eight winners from a large number of candidates for this year’s award, including Valentina Daiber, Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG (category “Large Companies”), Christian Faggin, Alpensped GmbH Internationale Logistik, Lothar Hartmann, memo AG, Alexander Hofmann, Wiegel Group, Patricia Siebel, edding AG (category “Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”), Prof. Dr. Maja Göpel, German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald, Schweisfurth Foundation (category “Science”) and Uta Mühleis, RESET – Digital for Good (category “Digitalisation”).
“I am delighted to be the winner of the category ‘Digitalisation’. The Covid-19 pandemic has really accelerated the digital transition – so it’s all the more important for us to join forces now and use the opportunities offered by digital innovations for sustainable development, as well as making digitalisation itself as green and fair as possible,” says RESET founder Uta Mühleis.
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gege, B.A.U.M. chairman and jury member of the B.A.U.M. Award, also emphasised that this year is a special one: “Climate and resource protection, energy efficiency, working in alignment with the 17 UN sustainability goals – everything that makes business sustainable also makes companies competitive and future-proof. That’s why it’s right for us to consistently align our actions with sustainability, both political and economic, when tackling the impacts of the coronavirus. The individuals that we are honouring with this prize have shown with their many years of successful commitment, that this is the right path to take”.
The B.A.U.M. Environment and Sustainability Award 2020 will be presented on the 25th of September 2020 as part of the ExtremWetterKongress in Hamburg. The award ceremony can also be followed online. Find more information here: B.A.U.M. award ceremony 2020.
This is a translation by Marisa Pettit of an original article that first appeared on RESET’s German-language site.