Nowadays, there are a multitude of apps promising to make sustainable shopping easier. But do they really do this? We put some of the most well-known apps to the test.
How do I know which products have been produced under fair conditions? Which cosmetics should I avoid because they contain harmful ingredients and microbeads? Can I buy fish without threatening marine ecosystems? How can I find clothing that has not been made using child labour? There are a number of hurdles to jump and lots of questions to answer for anyone looking to shop responsibly.
The first step towards conscious consumption is knowledge. But that does not mean you have to become a walking encyclopedia. It’s more about knowing how and where to find helpful information. At RESET, we try to close this gap by illustrating useful tips in our Knowledge and Act Now articles. But what do you do when you are already in a shop and you need information quickly? Countless apps providing details on sustainability purport to come to the rescue.
But how helpful, user-friendly and transparent are they really? The entire RESET editorial team put some of the most well-known apps under the microscope. Over the next two weeks we will take a look at:
- GoodGuide
- Good Fish Guide
- Buycott
- EcoGator
- Think Dirty
- the web plugin aVOID and
- Ethical Barcode. Stay tuned!
This article is part of our RESET Special on sustainable consumption. You can find all the articles in the series here.