Pollinate Energy: Showing Light to India’s Urban Poor

Pollinate Energy

Pollinate Energy, founded by group of young Australians is working on to provide sustainable solutions to social problems in India, primarily by bringing electricity to the country's urban poor.

Author Ajay Pal Singh Chabba -, 07.29.14

Pollinate Energy, founded by group of young Australians is working on to provide sustainable solutions to social problems in India, primarily by bringing electricity to the country’s urban poor.

These days, social entrepreneurs are fighting to do their bit to make a positive impact, be it through access to drinking water or clean source of light. Pollinate Energy is one such enterprise. Check out how they are bringing affordable solar power to the slums of Bangalore:

So far, the organisation only operates in Bangalore but has plans to further extend the scope. By 2017, they plan to extend the reach of their range of clean energy products across five states in Southern India.

They have been working with the communities in order to be able to better understand the evolving needs and adapt and contribute accordingly through providing access to sustainable technologies.

Seed initiative, the global partnership for action on sustainable development and the green economy, has identified Pollinate Energy as a micro-distribution network for appropriate and affordable green household products, which targets urban poor migrant communities to create jobs opportunities for the people relying on kerosene for their daily lighting requirements.

To learn more about Pollinate Energy, visit their website.

Lighting Up Bangalore’s Urban Slums

Pollinate Energy is a not-for-profit social business that works with local entrepreneurs in Bangalore to supply the city’s tent communities with safe, clean and affordable solar energy solutions.