The journal “ÖkologischesWirtschaften” looks at socioeconomics and ecological economics. RESET is pleased to be included in a new special issue on digitalisation and sustainability – with a guest article on artificial intelligence.
In each issue, ÖkologischesWirtschaften (Ecological Economics) published by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and the Association for Ecological Economy Research (VÖW), discusses a specifictopic in detail. The contributions in the volume “Digitalisation and Sustainablity” published in March, address the question of how human economies and natural ecosystems are affected by increasing digitalisation and seek solutions on how digitalisation can be made more sustainable. The focus is not only on findings from current research, but also on ideas and inputs from transdisciplinary actors from politics and civil society.
In addition to articles on how policies can transform the internet from a marketplace to a public space, what design options are available for efficient, long-lasting and open software and hardware and what digital growth-independent societies could look like, you will also find the article “Artificial Intelligence for Environmental and Climate Protection”, which again summarises the most important findings from RESET’s publication “Greenbook (1): Artificial Intelligence – Can Computing Power Save Our Planet?”.
This publication is highly recommended reading and we’re happy to form a part of it!