Kasita’s Minimalist Design for Smart, Compact and Affordable Housing

Kasita's prefabricated tiny homes can be stacked one on top of the other to create high-density housing.

Sprawling urbanisation and sky rocketing house prices are major issues in cities around the world. Kasita is a new type of housing and multi-unit development model that provides technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and economical housing for urban citizens.

Author Tina Gallico, 07.13.17

Translation Tina Gallico:

Sprawling urbanisation and sky rocketing house prices are major issues in cities around the world. Kasita is a new type of housing and multi-unit development model that provides technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and economical housing for urban citizens.

A stylish and sustainable addition to the tiny house movement, Kasita is a 32.7 square metre compact dwelling that combines in-built smart home technologies and innovative space-utilising product design. The prefabricated units can be placed in underutilised places such as backyards and rooftops, or even stacked on top of one another to create higher density housing.

© Kasita

Each Kasita dwelling unit includes a kitchenette, bathroom (with shower, vanity and toilet) and a living area that can be transformed into a bedroom thanks to a couch that can be rolled out to be a queen size bed.

Kasita’s founder Dr. Jeff Wilson spent a whole year living in a modified garbage dumpster as a social experiment, during which he developed a deep appreciation for minimalist and compact living. Inspired to create new possibilities in the field and solve America’s housing crisis through with intelligent design, he founded his own tiny housing startup, Kasita, in 2015.

In 2016 Kasita was named a “Most Innovative Company” by Fast Company and won a SXSW Interactive Innovation Award. Since March 2017, Kasita dwellings have been available for purchase in the United States, currently priced 139,000 USD. 

A Tiny House Full of Smart Solutions

There is a growing impetus in urban planning strategies to create Smart Cities – urban centres that utilise technological innovation and the Internet of Things to improve the quality, efficiency and sustainability of urban environments. Kasita is an example of a smart housing solution, with its small footprint, optimum use of space and integrated smart home technologies, like the adjustable transparency of the unit’s glass front window and a water-efficient Nebia shower.

© Kasita

Each Kasita is constructed with energy-efficiency in mind, with continuous insulation, an in-built energy recovery ventilation system, as well as water and energy metres that allow you to monitor and optimise your resource use. Most of these features can be controlled by an app.

Kasitas utilise an efficient industrial manufacturing process whereby the house is built in a factory and delivered on-site for installation. This enables Kasitas to be constructed much faster than conventional dwellings – reportedly in as little as three weeks.

For a closer look, check out the video below.

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