EPIC Academy: A Free Online Course Diving Deep into Ocean Plastics

A new online curriculum is equipping people of all ages with in-depth knowledge of plastics and their impact on the oceans.

Author Ciannait Khan, 06.15.21

A new online curriculum is equipping people of all ages with in-depth knowledge of plastics and their impact on the oceans.

Racoon: The Digital Recycling Bin That Separates Your Waste and Hands Out Rewards

Around a quarter of waste entered into recycling bins is actually non-recyclable. A new camera-equipped rubbish bin hopes to clean up the industry and show consumers where they are going wrong.

Newly Developed Gloves Could Help Reduce Plastic Pollution and Carbon Emissions

New research from a university in the UK has resulted in a new type of latex glove that could actually help reduce environmental damage - produced more sustainably and much quicker to biodegrade than current options on the market.

Carapac: Shell Waste is Transformed Into a Biodegradable Plastic Alternative

Much of our plastic waste finds its way into our seas and oceans. An Australian startup has looked for a solution in the same place.

We Can Reduce Plastic Pollution by 80 Percent by 2040 – And Here’s What Needs to Happen

Right now, millions of tons of plastic end up in our planet's natural ecosystems every year - and stay there for centuries. According to the results of a new study, we could successfully stem the plastic tide using already existing technologies - but we need to start right now.

“We are a climate generation and this is our fight.” – Interview With Ugandan Activist Sadrach Nirere

All too often, the conversations around climate change erase the voices of the people who are most affected by it. In this series of interviews, we talk to climate activists from throughout the Global South about the fight for climate justice and their visions for a sustainable future.

The Plastic Atlas Shows: Consumers Aren’t to Blame for the Plastic Crisis, it’s International Corporations

Plastic has become an integral part of our everyday lives - it makes many things easier, but it also endangers our health and fills our planet with waste that's set to be around with us for decades. The latest "Plastic Atlas", from the Böll Foundation, gives us up-to-date facts and figures about our increasingly plastic-filled world.