Embracing the Strange: Unconventional Solutions to the Climate Crisis

It's time to think outside the box. Guest author Cal Innes, Digital Sustainability Specialist at Jisc has collected five unconventional solutions to the climate crisis and discusses whether he thinks they're mad, or genius.

Author Guest Author, 12.23.24

In the fight against climate change, innovators are exploring creative, if sometimes strange, solutions that push the boundaries of what we consider possible. While many of these ideas hold promise, they also come with challenges that highlight the complexity of achieving true sustainability. Below, we take a critical look at five unconventional solutions to the climate crisis – along with their limitations.

Plastic-eating bacteria: Nature’s answer to plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is a global crisis, with millions of tonnes of waste entering ecosystems annually. Scientists are now exploring enzyme-based recycling as a groundbreaking solution.

Dr. Elizabeth Bell, a leading researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the US, is at the forefront of this innovation. She works to optimise enzymes for plastic recycling. “Enzymes are incredibly specific,” she explains, “which means they can selectively break down plastics, even in complex items like multi-layer packaging or textile blends.”

While enzyme-based recycling is promising, it isn’t a magic bullet. “For PET, the technology is close to scale-up,” adds Dr Bell, “but for other plastics like polyurethane or nylon, we’re still in the discovery phase.” Likewise, when we consider how much plastic the world produces a year (over 380 million tonnes), it’s hard to imagine there being enough enzymes to eat them all. Innovative initiatives like this offer hope, but ultimately, curbing our reliance on plastic altogether remains the most effective solution to this crisis.

Methane-capturing backpacks for cows: Reducing livestock emissions

Methane, a greenhouse gas 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide, is a significant byproduct of livestock farming. In response, Argentine scientists have developed methane-capturing backpacks that trap gas emitted by cows, converting it into usable biogas.

Early tests all the way back in 2008 indicated the backpacks could reduce emissions by up to 30 percent. Complementary solutions, such as systems that train cows to urinate in controlled areas, were developed simultaneously to address other environmental impacts of livestock farming.

However, on the one hand, whilst ‘fart backpacks’ made the headlines in the decade prior, very few updates in the past few years have come to light to demonstrate their efficacy. On the other, while these technologies could mitigate emissions, they don’t address the broader issue: livestock farming itself. Shifting dietary habits toward plant-based alternatives could reduce methane emissions far more effectively than modifying cows.

Organoid AI: Lab-grown brains

Artificial intelligence systems are energy-hungry, with data centres accounting for at least 1 percent of global energy-related GHG emissions. Organoid AI offers a radical alternative. Researchers in China are developing tiny, brain-like structures made from stem cells that can mimic human neural activity while consuming a fraction of the energy.

While organoid AI has the potential to reduce the environmental footprint of AI systems, it’s still in its infancy. Ethical concerns, technical challenges and scalability issues remain unanswered. For now, the technology represents a fascinating example of unconventional solutions to the climate crisis rather than an immediate one.

Bees with sensors: Monitoring ecosystems one flight at a time

Researchers from the University of Washington and Imperial College London have equipped bees with tiny micro-sensors to collect real-time environmental data. These lightweight devices gather information on temperature, humidity and crop health as bees travel between flowers.

This innovation is less invasive and more eco-friendly than drones for ecosystem monitoring, and it could improve our understanding of declining bee populations. However, the use of micro-sensors raises concerns about additional stress on already vulnerable bees, whose survival is critical to biodiversity and food systems. Protecting natural habitats remains a more foundational solution to preserving pollinators.

Waste to fuel: Transforming sewage into jet fuel

To address the aviation industry’s carbon footprint, researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a method to turn sewage sludge into bio-crude oil through hydrothermal liquefaction. This bio-crude can then be refined into jet fuel.

The process is more energy-efficient than previous methods, as it bypasses the need to dry sewage. It offers a dual benefit: reducing waste while producing cleaner fuel. However, as outlined in a previous RESET article, biofuels present a number of challenges of their own. They still rely on existing aviation infrastructure and may struggle to scale to meet global fuel demands.

Creativity is one thing. Practicality is another

These unconventional solutions to the climate crisis demonstrate the importance of bold thinking. Yet each innovation comes with its own hurdles – whether in scalability, cost or unintended consequences. Reducing emissions, protecting natural ecosystems and rethinking consumption patterns will remain essential alongside these creative approaches. After all, sustainability may require embracing the strange. But, it also demands a critical eye to ensure progress is both meaningful and lasting.

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