Content to: Green Innovation

wooden buoy
© CLS Oceania

Reducing Plastic Waste With Wooden Buoys: CLS Oceania’s Design Decomposes in the Ocean

The sea is full of plastic buoys that never decompose. Could a new design of wooden buoy be the biodegradable solution our oceans need?


Missed Connection: Bahnvohersage Uses AI & Open Data to Predict Train Delays

The open data service predicts whether connections on German railway lines will be made.

Sustainable Biocomposite Material Component Creates Potential for Healthy Indoor Climates

Researchers searching for construction materials that address both climate and health challenges have stumbled upon a new, exciting biocomposite material.

AI-Simulations Improve Aircraft Efficiency: The Solution the Aviation Industry Desperately Needs?

New software uses artificial intelligence to design more fuel-efficient aircraft. Will the technology sufficiently reduce aircraft emissions?

Newly Discovered Bacterium is “Chonkus” By Name, CO2 Degradation Tool by Nature

Even with the most consistent savings measures, it is not possible to totally stop greenhouse gas production. However, a newly discovered cyanobacterium "Chonkus" may be a vital partner for reaching net-zero.

The Good Search Engine: Web Search Without Advertising Benefits Users and the Climate

The GOOD search engine uses a paid subscription model. Co-founder Andreas Renner explains why this saves CO2 emissions and benefits users.

GeoMatch Screen Desktop
© GeoMatch

“The First Location Is a Stumbling Block or a Stepping Stone”: How AI Model GeoMatch Is Relocating Refugees

Refugees who settle in a new country face location-based challenges. Could artificial intelligence model GeoMatch provide a solution?

© Benjamin Lucks / RESET

Visit to Topio: Market Stall for Sustainable and Google-Free Mobile Phones

Your old smartphone has more potential than you think! Alternative operating systems such as the Topio association are making them faster, more secure and free from data compromises.

Against the Data Monopoly: How Correlaid Wants to Democratise the Availability of Data

Effective climate protection needs reliable data! CorrelAid helps NGOs collect high-quality data and meaningfully analyse it.