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RESET Special Feature: Satellites and Sustainability

There are thousands of satellites in orbit around our planet right now. And when it comes to protecting the environment and tracking changes in our climate, they've become indispensable too. If only there wasn't the little issue of all that space debris ... In RESET's latest special feature, we've been taking a look at the potentials - and pitfalls - of satellites and drones for a sustainable future on this planet.

We’re Hiring: Social Media Manager With a Focus on Sustainability and Digitalisation

We're hiring a Social Media Manager – have you got the skills and passion for sustainable digitalisation we're looking for?

Logo Digitaler Datenputz
© Corporate Digital Responsibility Initiative

Tidying Up With the “Digital Data Clean-Up”: The Campaign Shows How Digital Working Can Become More Sustainable

The digital data clean-up helps employees to clear out digital rubbish. The campaign takes place 16-27 September: RESET is taking part!

Report on the Price of Fossil Fuels Suggests a Rapid Transition to Renewables Can Result in Huge Savings

A study examining the historic prices of fossil fuels and renewable technologies suggests coal, oil and gas might not actually be as cheap as commonly thought.

Ein Laptop, auf dem die Seite des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis geöffnet ist.
© Benjamin Lucks/RESET

RESET is Nominated For the German Sustainability Award 2024

RESET has been nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2024! Watch this space for updates about the November winners.

What’s the Carbon Footprint of Your Website?

Digital media is more eco-friendly than analogue, right? Um... not really! But there are things we can do to reduce the environmental impact of our online lives. The Website Carbon Calculator can work out the carbon footprint of any website - and gives you tips on how to make your own online presence more sustainable.

Biofuel Breakthrough? New Method Makes Algae Biofuel Quicker and Cheaper Than Ever Before

University of Utah chemical engineers have developed a new method of producing algae biofuel, making the whole process quicker, cheaper and more efficient.

Ghana’s Citizen Science Strategy to Track Plastic Pollution at Home and Abroad

Ghana's initiative to monitor and report marine plastic pollution using data generated by the public represents a milestone in citizen science.

© Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

German Sustainability Award 2023: RESET is Nominated!

The German Sustainability Award (DNP) rewards contributions that point the way to a sustainable future. We are pleased to be nominated with RESET.