The choices we make each day shape the world we live in. Everyone can take small steps to make the world a greener, fairer place, and RESET’s Act Now section is a great place to start.
Christmas time is donation time! But, with all the choice of wonderful sustainability projects to pick from, how does one choose?
Energy resources exist in different forms. The effects of climate change, and the impact that greenhouse gas emissions have on the atmosphere are dependent on humans understanding the difference.
Water, water everywhere... By now, we know full well that our obsession with bottled water is damaging the planet. But, is it damaging us, too?
The climate is changing - but are you? Changes in the way you live your life - both big and small - can help you reduce your own personal carbon footprint, and also encourage policy makers to act for the good of the planet.
Water is a finite resource, and you probably consume more than you think. Here are the basics you need to know for reducing your water footprint.
It's never been easier to shop online. But, this convenience is often at the expense of the environment. Is there a sustainable future for online shopping?
E-waste is the world's fastest growing waste mountain. But there are ways to stop this development.
We are convinced that a green and fair future is possible! Do you want to get involved with us for a sustainable world?
Every single search, every streamed video and every email sent, billions of times over all around the world, it's all part of our daily life by now. But it all adds up to an ever-increasing global demand for electricity, and a large digital carbon footprint too. What can we do to reduce the impact our energy-hungry online lives are having on the planet?